About the title

About the title

I changed the title of the blog on March 20, 2013 (it used to have the title “Notes of an owl”). This was my immediate reaction to the news the T. Gowers was presenting to the public the works of P. Deligne on the occasion of the award of the Abel prize to Deligne in 2013 (by his own admission, T. Gowers is not qualified to do this).

The issue at hand is not just the lack of qualification; the real issue is that the award to P. Deligne is, unfortunately, the best compensation to the mathematical community for the 2012 award of Abel prize to Szemerédi. I predicted Deligne before the announcement on these grounds alone. I would prefer if the prize to P. Deligne would be awarded out of pure appreciation of his work.

I believe that mathematicians urgently need to stop the growth of Gowers's influence, and, first of all, his initiatives in mathematical publishing. I wrote extensively about the first one; now there is another: to take over the arXiv overlay electronic journals. The same arguments apply.

Now it looks like this title is very good, contrary to my initial opinion. And there is no way back.
Showing posts with label future of mathematics. Show all posts
Showing posts with label future of mathematics. Show all posts

Friday, March 7, 2014

About expository writing: a reply to posic

Previous post: Graduate level textbooks: A list - the second part

In the post Graduate level textbooks I I mentioned an advice given to me by a colleague many years ago:
"Do not write any books until you retire". posic commented on this:
"Do not write any books until you retire"?! One is tempted to generalize to "do not do any mathematics until you retire". Or, indeed, to "do not do anything you find interesting, important or meaningful until you retire"...

Gone are the days when Gian-Carlo Rota wrote "You are most likely to be remembered for your expository work" as one of his famous "Ten lessons I wish I had been taught". Not that I so much like this motivation, that is one's desire to have oneself remembered at any expense, but compared to people doing mathematics from the main motivation of getting tenure, grants, etc., it was, at least, leaving ground for some cautious hope. Presently I do not see any.

I am sorry for the long delay with a reply. Here are some thoughts.

The advice of my colleague does not admit such generalizations. He based it on the opposite grounds: he wanted me to do something more interesting than writing books.

He made a couple of common mistakes. First, he has no way to know what is interesting to other people, including myself. A lot of people do find writing expository works (at any level, from elementary school to the current research) to be very interesting. Actually, I do. At the same time, many mathematicians complain about lack of necessary expository writings. Some direction of research died because the discoverers are not able to write in an understandable manner, and others were discouraged to write expositions. At the same time, writing down some ideas is a creative work at a level higher than most of “Annals of Mathematics” papers.

Second, he followed a prejudice common at least in the US: expository writing is a second-rate activity compared to proving theorems. This prejudice is so strong that proving “empty” theorems is valued more than excellent expository writing. Apparently, this is a result of external with respect to mathematics influences. The main among them is the government funding of pure mathematics. There is essentially only one agency in the US providing some funds for pure mathematics, namely, the NSF. The role of few private institutions is negligible. It is not surprising that NSF has its own preferences, and the pure mathematics is not its main concern. Moreover, it is very likely that NSF is even not allowed by law to fund expository writing (I did not attempted to check this).

G.-C. Rota is right. He almost always right, especially if you at least try to read between the lines. Actually, the most cited (and by a wide margin) work of the mentioned colleague is a purely expository short monograph. So, he does not put his money where his mouth is.

Actually, I am not inclined to read G.-C. Rota so literally. He is a too sophisticated thinker for this. Whatever he says, he says it with a tongue in cheek. He wanted to encourage expository writing. The motivation he offered isn’t really the fame. It is the usefulness. You will be remembered most for things most useful for other people. For many expository writing will be much more useful than publishing a dozen of “research” papers.

I think that it will come as no surprise to you that the government agencies, supposedly to work on behalf of the people, demand a lot of work hardly useful to anybody, and do not support really useful (at least to some people) activities. I also believe that only few other mathematicians will agree.

Doing mathematics for getting tenure or its equivalent is essentially doing mathematics for having an opportunity to do mathematics. There are no other ways. If you know a way to do mathematics without an equivalent of a tenured academic position in the US, please, tell me. I do have tenure, but I am quite interested.

This is not so with "grants, etc.", especially if you have tenure. Working for grants is a sort of corruption. Unfortunately, it is so widespread. Well, some people, for example G.W. Mackey, predicted this at the very beginning of the government funding. They turned out to be correct.

G.-C. Rote wrote these words quite a while ago. Things did not improve since then. The expository writing is valued even less than at the time. Nobody cares if he/she or you will be remembered 100 years from now, or if a current paper will be remembered 10 years from now. Everything is tailored for the medicine and biology. Reportedly, almost no papers there are remembered or cited after 2 years. Anyhow, the infamous impact factor of a journal takes into account only the citations during the first 2 years after the publication. The journals are judged by their impact factor, the papers are judged by the journals where they are published, and academics are judged by the quantity (in the number of papers, not pages) and the "quality" of their publications.

Apparently, mathematicians are content with the current situation and are afraid of any changes more than cosmetic ones. Is there a hope?

Next post: To appear

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

About some ways to work in mathematics

Previous post: New ideas.

From a comment by Tamas Gabal:

“...you mentioned that the problems are often solved by methods developed for completely different purposes. This can be interpreted in two different ways. First - if you work on some problem, you should constantly look for ideas that may seem unrelated to apply to your problem. Second - focus entirely on the development of your ideas and look for problems that may seem unrelated to apply your ideas. I personally lean toward the latter, but your advice may be different.”

Both ways to work are possible. There are also other ways: for example, not to have any specific problem to solve. One should not suggest one way or another as the right one. You should work in the way which suits you more. Otherwise you are unlikely to succeed and you will miss most of the joy.

Actually, my statement did not suggest either of these approaches. Sometimes a problem is solved by discovering a connection between previously unrelated fields, and sometimes a problem is solved entirely within the context in was posed originally. You never know. And how one constantly looks for outside ideas? A useful idea may be hidden deep inside of some theory and invisible otherwise. Nobody studies the whole mathematics in the hope that this will help to solve a specific problem.

I think that it would be better not to think in terms of this alternative at all. You have a problem to solve, you work on it in all ways you can (most of approaches will fail – this is the unpleasant part of the profession), and that’s it. The advice would be to follow development in a sufficiently big chunk of mathematics. Do not limit yourself by, say, algebra (if your field is algebra). The division of mathematics into geometry, algebra, and analysis is quite outdated. Then you may suddenly learn about some idea which will help you.

Also, you do not need to have a problem to begin with. Usually a mathematician starts with a precisely stated problem, suggested by the Ph.D. advisor. But even this is not necessary.

My own way to work is very close to the way M. Atiyah described as his way of work in an interview published in “The Mathematical Intelligencer” in early 1980ies (of course, I do not claim that the achievements are comparable). This interview is highly recommended; it is also highly recommended by T. Gowers. I believe that I explained how I work to a friend (who asked a question similar to yours one) before I read this interview. Anyhow, I described my way to him as follows. I do not work on any specific problem, except of my own working conjectures. I am swimming in mathematics like in a sea or river and look around for interesting things (the river of mathematics carries much more stuff than a real river). Technically this means that I follow various sources informing about the current developments, including talks, I read papers, both current and old ones, and I learn some stuff from textbooks. An advanced graduate level textbook not in my area is my favorite type of books in mathematics. I am doing this because this is that I like to do, not because I want to solve a problem or need to publish 12 papers during next 3 years. From time to time I see something to which, I feel, I can contribute. From time to time I see some connections which were not noticed before.

My work in “my area” started in the following way. I was familiar with a very new theory, which I learned from the only available (till about 2-3 years ago!) source: a French seminar devoted to its exposition. The author never wrote down any details. Then a famous mathematician visited us and gave a talk about a new (not published yet) remarkable theorem of another mathematician (it seems to me that it is good when people speak not only about their own work). The proof used at a key point an outside “Theorem A” by still another mathematicians. The speaker outlined its proof in few phrases (most speakers would just quote Theorem A, so I was really lucky). Very soon I realized (may be the same day or even during the talk) that the above new theory allows at least partially transplant Theorem A in a completely different context following the outline from the talk. But there is a problem: the conclusion of Theorem A tells that you are either in a very nice generic situation, or in an exceptional situation. In my context there are obvious exceptions, but I had no idea if there are non-obvious exceptions, and how to approach any exceptions. So, I did not even started to work on any details. 2-3 years later a preprint arrived in the mail. It was sent to me by reasons not related at all with the above story; actually, I did not tell anybody about these ideas. The preprint contained exactly what I needed: a proof that there are only obvious exceptional cases (not mentioning Theorem A). Within a month I had a proof of an analogue of Theorem A (this proof was quickly replaced by a better one and I am not able to reproduce it). Naturally, I started to look around: what else can be done in my context. As it turned out, a lot. And the theory I learned from that French seminar is not needed for many interesting things.

Could all this be planned in advance following some advice of some experienced person? Certainly, not. But if you do like this style, my advice would be: work this way. You will be not able to predict when you will discover something interesting, but you will discover. If this style does not appeal to you, do not try.

Note that this style is opposite to the Gowers’s one. He starts with a problem. His belief that mathematics can be done by computers is based on a not quite explicit assumption that his is the only way, and he keeps a place for humans in his not-very-science-fiction at least at the beginning: humans are needed as the source of problems for computers. I don’t see any motivation for humans to supply computers with mathematical problems, but, apparently, Gowers does. More importantly, a part of mathematics which admits solutions of its problems by computers will very soon die out. Since the proofs will be produced and verified by computers, humans will have no source of inspiration (which is the proofs).

Next post: Is algebraic geometry applied or pure mathematics?

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

New ideas

Previous post: Did J. Lurie solved any big problem?

Tamas Gabal asked:

“Dear Sowa, in your own experience, how often genuinely new ideas appear in an active field of mathematics and how long are the periods in between when people digest and build theories around those ideas? What are the dynamics of progress in mathematics, and how various areas are different in this regard?”

Here is my partial reply.

This question requires a book-length answer; especially because it is not very precisely formulated. I will try to be shorter. :- )

First of all, what should be considered as genuinely new ideas? How new and original they are required to be? Even for such a fundamental notion as an integral there are different choices. At one end, there is only one new idea related to it, which predates the discovery of the mathematics itself. Namely, it is idea of the area. If we lower our requirements a little, there will be 3 other ideas, associated with the works or Archimedes, Lebesque, and hardly known by now works of Danjoy, Perron, and others. The Riemann integral is just a modern version of Archimedes and other Ancient Greek mathematician. The Danjoy integral generalizes the Lebesgue one and has some desirable properties which the Lebesgue integral has not. But it turned out to be a dead end without any applications to topics of general interest. I will stop my survey of the theory of integration here: there are many other contributions. The point is that if we lower our requirements further, then we have much more “genuinely new” ideas.

It would be much better to speak not about some vague levels of originality, but about areas of mathematics. Some ideas are new and important inside the theory of integration, but are of almost no interest for outsiders.

You asked about my personal experience. Are you asking about what my general knowledge tells me, or what happened in my own mathematical life? Even if you are asking about the latter, it is very hard to answer. At the highest level I contributed no new ideas. One may even say that nobody after Grothendieck did (although I personally believe that 2 or 3 other mathematicians did), so I am not ashamed. I am not inclined to classify my work as analysis, algebra, geometry, topology, etc. Formally, I am assigned to one of these boxes; but this only hurts me and my research. Still, there is a fairly narrow subfield of mathematics to which I contributed, probably, 2 or 3 ideas. According to A. Weil, if a mathematician had contributed 1 new idea, he is really exceptional; most of mathematicians do not contribute any new ideas. If a mathematician contributed 2 or 3 new ideas, he or she would be a great mathematician, according to A. Weil. By this reason, I wrote “2 or 3” not without a great hesitation. I do not overestimate myself. I wanted to illustrate what happens if the area is sufficiently narrow, but not necessarily to the limit. The area I am taking about can be very naturally partitioned further. I worked in other fields too, and I hope that these papers also contain a couple of new ideas. For sure, they are of a level lower than the one A. Weil had in mind.

On one hand side this personal example shows another extreme way to count the frequency of new ideas. I don’t think that it would be interesting to lower the level further. Many papers and even small lemmas contain some little new ideas (still, much more do not). On the other side, this is important on a personal level. Mathematics is a very difficult profession, and it lost almost all its appeal as a career due to the changes of the universities (at least in the West, especially in the US). It is better to know in advance what kind of internal reward you may get out of it.

As of the timeframe, I think that a new idea is usually understood and used within a year (one has to keep in mind that mathematics is a very slow art) by few followers of the discoverer, often by his or her students or personal friends. Here “few” is something like 2-5 mathematicians. The mathematical community needs about 10 years to digest something new, sometimes it needs much more time. It seems that all this is independent of the level of the contribution. The less fundamental ideas are of interest to fewer people. So they are digested more slowly, despite being easier.

I don’t have much to say about the dynamics (what is the dynamics here?) of progress in mathematics. The past is discussed in many books about history of mathematics; despite I don’t know any which I could recommend without reservations. The only exception is the historical notes at the ends of N. Bourbaki books (they are translated into English and published as a separate book by Springer). A good starting point to read about 20th century is the article by M. Atiyah, “Mathematics in the 20th century”, American Mathematical Monthly, August/September 2001, p. 654 – 666. I will not try to predict the future. If you predict it correctly, nobody will believe you; if not, there is no point. Mathematicians usually try to shape the future by posing problems, but this usually fails even if the problem is solved, because it is solved by tools developed for other purposes. And the future of mathematics is determined by tools. A solution of a really difficult problem often kills an area of research, at least temporarily (for decades minimum).

My predictions for the pure mathematics are rather bleak, but they are based on observing the basic trends in the society, and not on the internal situation in mathematics. There is an internal problem in mathematics pointed out by C. Smorinsky in the 1980ies. The very fast development of mathematics in the preceding decades created many large gaps in the mathematical literature. Some theories lack readable expositions, some theorem are universally accepted but appear to have big gaps in their proofs. C. Smorinsky predicted that mathematicians will turn to expository work and will clear this mess. He also predicted more attention to the history of mathematics. A lot of ideas are hard to understand without knowing why and how they were developed. His predictions did not materialize yet. The expository work is often more difficult than the so-called “original research”, but it is hardly rewarded.

Next post: About some ways to work in mathematics.

Saturday, June 1, 2013

What is combinatorics and what this blog is about according to Igor Pak

Previous post: About Timothy Gowers.

I came across the post “What is Combinatorics?” by Igor Pak. His intention seems to be refuting what is, in his opinion, a basic fault of my notes, namely, the lack of understanding of what is combinatorics.

“While myself uninterested in engaging in conversation, I figured that there got to be some old “war-time” replies which I can show to the Owl blogger.  As I see it, only the lack of knowledge can explain these nearsighted generalizations the blogger is showing.  And in the age of Google Scholar, there really is no excuse for not knowing the history of the subject, and its traditional sensitivities.”

Unfortunately, he did not show me anything. I come across his post while searching other things by Google. May be he is afraid that giving me a link in a comment will engage him in conversation? I would be glad to discuss these issues with him, but if he is not inclined, how can I insist? My intention was to write a comment in his blog, but for this one needs to be registered at WordPress.com. Google is more generous, as is T. Gowers, who allows non-WordPress comments in his blog.

Indeed, I don't know much about “traditional sensitivities” of combinatorics. A Google search resulted in links to his post and to numerous papers about “noise sensitivity”.

Beyond this, he is fighting windmills. I agree with most of what he wrote. Gian-Carlo Rota is my hero also. But I devoted a lot of time and space to explaining what I mean by "combinatorial" mathematics, and even stated that I use this term only because it is used by Gowers (and all my writings on this topics have a root in his ones), and I wasn't able to find quickly a good replacement (any suggestions?). See, for example, the beginning of the post “The conceptual mathematics vs. the classical (combinatorial) one” , as also other posts and my comments in Gowers's blog. In particular, I said that there is no real division between Gowers's “second culture” and “first culture”, and therefore there is no real division between combbinatorics and non-combinatorics.

So, for this blog the working definition of combinatorics is “branches of mathematics described in two essays by T. Gowers as belonging to the second culture and opposed in spirit to the Grothendieck's mathematics”.

I don't like much boxing of all theorems or papers into various classes, be they invented by AMS, NSF, or other “authorities”. I cannot say what is my branch of mathematics. Administrators usually assign to me the field my Ph.D. thesis belongs to, but I did not worked in it since then. I believe that the usual division of mathematics into Analysis, Algebra, Combinatorics, Geometry, etc. is hopelessly outdated.

Next post: New comments to the post "What is mathematics?"

Sunday, May 19, 2013

About Timothy Gowers

Previous post: The conceptual mathematics vs. the classical (combinatorial) one.

This post was started as a reply to a comment by vznvzn. It had quickly overgrown the comment format, but still is mostly a reply to vznvzn's remarks.

Gowers did not identify any “new mathematical strand/style”, and did not even attempt this. The opposition “conceptual” mathematics vs. “Hungarian” combinatorics was well known for quite a long time. It started to be associated with Hungary only after P. Erdös started to promote an extreme version of this style; but it was known for centuries. When I was in high school, it was known to any student attending a school with teaching of mathematics and physics on a fairly advanced level and having some interest in mathematics. Of course, this is not about UK (Gowers is a British mathematician). I don’t know enough about the schools there.

There is nothing new in looking at the big picture and doing what you called “mathematical anthropology” either. It is just an accident that you encountered such things in Gowers’s two essays first. I doubt that you are familiar with his writing style in mathematics, and even in more technical parts of his essay “Rough Structure and Classification” (by the way, it is available not only as a .ps file; I have a .pdf file in my computer and a hard copy). Gowers’s writing style and his mathematics are very left-brained. I saw no evidence that he even understands how right-brained mathematicians are working. Apparently he does not like the results of their thinking (but carefully tries to hide this in his popular writings). This may be the main reason why he believes that computers can do mathematics. It seems to me that his post-1998 kind of mathematics (I am not familiar enough with his work on Banach spaces, for which he was awarded Fields medal) indeed can be automated. If CS people do need this, then, please, go ahead. This will eliminate this kind of activities from mathematics without endangering the existence of mathematics or influencing its core.

But when Gowers writes some plain English prose, he is excellent. Note that the verbal communication is associated with the left half of the brain.

The left-right brain theory is not such a clear-cut dichotomy as it initially was. But I like it not so much as a scientific theory, but as a useful metaphor. Apparently, you are right and these days most of mathematicians are left-brained. But this is an artifact of the current system of education in Western countries and not an inherent property of mathematics. Almost all mathematics taught in schools and in undergraduate classes of universities is left-brained. This bias reaches its top during the first two years of undergraduate education, when students are required to take the calculus courses (and very often there are no other options). Only the left-brained aspect of calculus is taught in the US universities. Students are trained to perform some standard algorithms (a task which can be done now, probably, even by a smart phone). The calculus taught is the left-brained Leibniz’s calculus, while the right-brained Newton’s calculus is ignored. So, right-brained people are very likely not to choose mathematics as a career: their experience tells them that this is a very alien to them activity.

In fact, a mathematician usually needs both halves of the brain. Some people flourish using only the left half – if their abilities are very high. Others flourish using only right half. But the right half flourishing is only for geniuses, more or less. With all abilities concentrated in the right half, a mathematician is usually unable to write papers in a readable manner. If the results are extremely interesting, other will voluntarily take the job of reconstructing proofs and writing them down. (It would be much better if such work was rewarded in some tangible sense.) Otherwise, there will be no publications, and hence no jobs. The person is out of profession. On a middle level one can survive mostly on the left half by writing a huge amount of insignificant papers (the barrier to “huge” is much lower in mathematics than in other sciences). Similar effects were observed in special experiments involving middle school students. Right-brained perform better in mathematics in general, but if one considers only mathematically gifted students, both halves are equally developed.

What you consider as Gowers’s “project/program of analysis of different schools of thought” is not due to Gowers. This is done by mathematicians all the time, and some of them wrote very insightful papers and even books about this. His two essays are actually a very interesting material for thinking about “different schools”; they provide an invaluable insight into thinking of a partisan of only one very narrow school.

You are wrong in believing that history of mathematics has very long cycles. Definitely, not cycles, but let us keep this word. Mathematics of 1960 was radically different from mathematics of 1950. I personally observed two hardly predictable changes.

There is no “paradigm shift identified” by Gowers. Apparently, Kuhn's concept of paradigm shift does not apply to mathematics at all. The basic assumptions of mathematics had never changed, only refined.

There is another notion of a “shift”, namely, Wigner’s shift of the second kind. It happens when scientists lose interest in some class of problems and move to a different area. This is exactly what Gowers tries to accomplish: to shift the focus of mathematical research from conceptual (right-brained) one to the one that needs only pure “executive power” (left-brained, the term belongs to G. Hardy) at the lowest level of abstraction. If he succeeds, the transfer of mathematics from humans to computers will be, probably, possible. But it will be another “mathematics”. Our current mathematics is a human activity, involving tastes, emotions, a sense of beauty, etc. If it is not done by humans and especially if the proofs are not readable by humans (as is the case with all computer-assisted proofs of something non-trivial to date), it is not mathematics. The value for the humanity of theorems about arithmetic progressions is zero if they are proved by computers. It is near zero anyhow.

Here all three main directions of Gowers’s activities merge: the promotion of combinatorics; the attempt to eliminate human mathematics; his drive for influence and power.

Thanks for appreciating my comments as “visionary”, no matter of that kind. But they are not. What I was doing in my comments to two Gowers’s posts and in this blog is just pointing out some facts, which are, unfortunately, unknown to Gowers’s admirers, especially to the young ones or experts in other fields. Hardly anything mentioned is new; recent events are all documented on the web. I intentionally refrain from using ideas which may be interpreted as my own – they would be dismissed on this ground alone.

I agree that the discussion in Gowers’s blog eventually turned out to be interesting. But only after the people who demanded me to identify myself and asked why I allow myself to criticize Gowers have left. Then several real mathematicians showed up, and the discussion immediately started to make sense. I hope that the discussion in Gowers’s blog was useful at least for some people. The same about this blog. Right now it shows up as 7th entry in Google search on “t gowers mathematics” (the 2nd entry is Wiki; other five at the top are his own blogs, pages, etc.) It will go down, of course: I have no intention to devote all my life to an analysis of his mathematics and his personality. And, hopefully, he will eventually cease to attract such an interest as now.

In any case, at least one person definitely benefitted from all this – myself. These discussions helped me to clarify my own views and ideas.

Next post: What is combinatorics and what this blog is about according to Igor Pak.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

The Hungarian Combinatorics from an Advanced Standpoint

Previous post: Conceptual mathematics vs. the classical (combinatorial) one.

Again,  this post is a long reply to questions posed by ACM. It is a complement to the previous post "Conceptual mathematics vs. the classical (combinatorial) one". The title is intentionally similar to the titles of three well known books by F. Klein.

First, the terminology in “Conceptual mathematics vs. the classical (combinatorial) one” is my and was invented at the spot, and the word "classical" is a very bad choice. I should find something better. The word "conceptual" is good enough, but not as catchy as I may like. I meant something real, but as close as possible to the Gowers's idea of "two cultures". I do not believe in his theory anymore; but by simply using his terms I will promote it.

Another choice, regularly used in discussions in Gowers's blog is "combinatorial". It looks like it immediately leads to confusion, as one may see from your question (but not only). First of all (I already mentioned it in Gowers's blog or here), there two rather different types of combinatorics. At one pole there is the algebraic combinatorics and most of the enumerative combinatorics. R. Stanley and the late J.-C. Rota are among the best (or the best) in this field. One can give even a more extreme example, mentioned by M. Emerton: symmetric group and its representations. Partitions of natural numbers are at the core of this theory, and in this sense it is combinatorics. One the other hand, it was always considered as a part of the theory of representations, a highly conceptual branch of mathematics.

So, there is already a lot of conceptual and quite interesting combinatorics. And the same time, there is Hungarian combinatorics, best represented by the Hungarian school. It is usually associated with P. Erdös and since the last year Abel prize is also firmly associated with E. Szemerédi. Currently T. Gowers is its primary spokesperson, with T. Tao serving as supposedly independent and objective supporter. Of course, all this goes back for centuries.

Today the most obvious difference between these two kinds of combinatorics is the fact that the algebraic combinatorics is mostly about exact values and identities, and Hungarian combinatorics is mostly about estimates and asymptotics. If no reasonable estimate is in sight, the existence is good enough. This is the case with the original version of Szemerédi's theorem. T. Gowers added to it some estimates, which are huge but a least could be written down by elementary means. He also proved that any estimate should be huge (in a precise sense). I think that the short paper proving the latter (probably, it was Gowers's first publication in the field) is the most important result around Szemerédi’s theorem. It is strange that it got almost no publicity, especially if compared with his other papers and Green-Tao's ones. It could be the case that this opinion results from the influence of a classmate, who used to stress that lower estimates are much more deep and important than the upper ones (for positive numbers, of course), especially in combinatorial problems.

Indeed, I do consider Hungarian combinatorics as the opposite of all new conceptual ideas discovered during the last 100 years. This, obviously, does not mean that the results of Hungarian combinatorics cannot be approached conceptually. We have an example at hand: Furstenberg’s proof of Szemerédi theorem. It seems that it was obtained within a year of the publication of Szemerédi’s theorem (did not checked right now). Of course, I cannot exclude the possibility that Furstenberg worked on this problem (or his framework for his proof without having this particular application as the main goal) for years within his usual conceptual framework, and missed by only few months. I wonder how mathematics would look now if Furstenberg would be the first to solve the problem.

One cannot approach the area (not the results alone) of Hungarian combinatorics from any conceptual point of view, since the Hungarian combinatorics is not conceptual almost by the definition (definitely by its description by Gowers in his “Two cultures”). I adhere to the motto “Proofs are more important than theorems, definitions are more important than proofs”. In fact, I was adhering to it long before I learned about this phrase; this was my taste already in the middle school (I should confess that I realized this only recently). Of course, I should apply it uniformly. In particular, the Hungarian style of proofs (very convoluted combinations of well known pieces, as a first approximation) is more essential than the results proved, and the insistence on being elementary but difficult should be taken very seriously – it excludes any deep definitions.

I am not aware of any case when “heuristic” of Hungarian combinatorics lead anybody to conceptual results. The theorems can (again, Furstenberg), but they are not heuristics.

I am not in the business of predicting the future, but I see only two ways for Hungarian combinatorics, assuming that the conceptual mathematics is not abandoned. Note that still not even ideas of Grothendieck are completely explored, and, according to his coauthor J. Dieudonne, there are enough ideas in Grothendieck’s work to occupy mathematicians for centuries to come – the conceptual mathematics has no internal reasons to die in any foreseeable future. Either the Hungarian combinatorics will mature by itself and will develop new concepts which eventually will turn it into a part of conceptual mathematics. There are at least germs of such development. For example, matroids (discovered by H. Whitney, one of the greatest topologists of the 20th century) are only at the next level of abstraction after the graphs, but matroids is an immensely useful notion (unfortunately, it is hardly taught anywhere, which severely impedes its uses). Or it will remain a collection of elementary tricks, and will resemble more and more the collection of mathematical Olympiads problems. Then it will die out and forgotten.

I doubt that any area of mathematics, which failed to conceptualize in a reasonable time, survived as an active area of research. Note that the meaning of the word “reasonable” changes with time itself; at the very least because of the huge variations of the number of working mathematicians during the history. Any suggestions of counterexamples?

Next post: About Timothy Gowers.